Health + Welness

health and fitness

17 Sep, 2021
I’m not a morning person. There, I said it. I never have been, I don’t know that I ever will be. When Logan and I made a pact to start waking up at 5 am each morning (yes, I yawn just thinking about it), I knew I’d have to put a plan in place that included some of my favorite practices (I’m a gal that appreciates a reward or five for diligence…). I will say, though, after a few months of dragging my you-know-what out of bed and tackling this checklist, I feel like a new woman. There’s something to be said for getting up early – and when I do, a few hours into my day, I’m so glad I did. Let’s hear it for feeling like you’ve conquered the day by 7 am, amiright?! I’ve included a download of my handy, dandy little morning checklist – but before I share it with you fine gals, I wanted to dive into each item a little more in-depth: DRINK A BIG ‘OLE GLASS OF WATER (GO AHEAD, ADD FROZEN FRUIT – TREAT-YO-SELF). I’ve always been more of a Diet Coke than a water girl (isn’t that horrible? Yeah…). That said, I recently started taking an elaborate mix of vitamins (all recommended by my holistic nutritionist, but more on that later – no skipping ahead!) and, for whatever reason (this may be totally in my head), I want NOTHING TO DO WITH DIET COKE. Praise. Be. I’ve been drinking much more water, and I’m such a fan. Don’t love water? Add frozen fruit. OR, I’m really loving Hint – give it a shot (watermelon is my favorite). SET INTENTIONS FOR YOUR DAY. Nope, the age-old “what are your intentions” question isn’t just for your parents to ask a significant other – now you get to ask it of yourself every morning! Intentions are not goals – they’re a bit more “of the moment,” where goals tend to map the future. Inc. published a great article about the importance of setting intentions – check it out! Intentions also have a more positive tone (so no, “I intend to drop kick my husband if he doesn’t take the trash out” won’t fly…) Finally, intentions are generally short and sweet. Keep it simple! Remember, these are today-type plans. Not long-term goals. What do intentions look like? Here are a few examples: I will give others the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusions I will be forgiving and understanding of myself and others I will lead with action, not with words I will be open to love – because I deserve it So set those intentions, sister! MEDITATE (Spoken in the most serene, angelic voice) “Breath in, breath out…” Meditation, while incredibly relaxing, can be a bit of a grind at first. I, for one, have a mind that never stops. And if you have a child, job or, you know – live and breath – I’m willing to bet you’re in the same boat! It’s hard to shut that mind off. Meditation is the practice of just that. Something I’ve found really helps – a mantra (which, is often interchangeable with an intention – ahem). Focusing on one, positive statement, and repeating it over and over in your head while you deep breath – you’ll be Yogi in no time! WRITE I can not impress upon you enough the power of a free-write. I’ve heard this called many things. My therapist calls it a brain dump. The book The Artist’s Way calls them morning pages. It can be about nothing, it can be about a current struggle, a triumph – anything, really. Sit down, set the timer for 30 minutes, and write. Can’t commit to 30 minutes? I get it. And honestly, it’s tough to spend 30 minutes writing right out the gate. It’s not uncommon to start writing, and at about minute nine, hit a mental block. That’s OKAY! Step away and try again tomorrow. Before you know it, you’ll have worked your way up to 30 minutes, and writing will become a tool to process and overcome or celebrate whatever is currently going on in your life! GET MOVING Yep, you heard me. Get moving! Do I LOVE working out? No. I don’t! But man do I chase the endorphin high that comes after… Working out is something I’ve only just started taking really seriously this year (I mean, we’ve all been in quarantine – what else is there to do?). I knew that if there ever was a time to start developing some new habits – especially when it comes to health and fitness – it was going to be the year I really couldn’t eat out, and had nowhere to go. I also set realistic expectations for myself. No more “I’d like to lose 40 lbs. three months.” That’s not even KIND OF realistic for me! Instead, I started setting small, measurable goals. Hell, at one point one of my goals was just to complete three workouts in a week. Here’s the thing: if you move, you will feel good – regardless of your weight. Knowing you’re doing what you can to take care of yourself is half the battle. Between the endorphins that come from hopping on that treadmill to the conscious “I just worked hard to do what’s best for my body” thought process, it will be a total game-changer. Can you work out later in the day? Sure. But let’s be honest – the later it gets, the easier it gets to talk yourself out of it. I’ve found that if I don’t work out first thing, a million other reasons I can’t work out later come up throughout the day, and I don’t work out… Not only that, but morning workouts make me feel I’ve started my day out right. SO, even if it’s just a morning walk – MOVE. GIVE THANKS It doesn’t take long, and we can all certainly think of five things we’re thankful for. They can be big – like a working vehicle, a job, a roof over your head… Or they can be small – a hug from a friend, a really good cup of coffee, a new shirt… Whatever it is you’re thankful for, write it down – x5 to be exact. Make a list of five things you’re thankful for each morning, and your mindset will be significantly better throughout the day, no matter what obstacles you face. Now, get out there and go get ’em! Need an easy way to hold yourself accountable? Download my free morning routine worksheet HERE and start giving back to yourself each and every morning!
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